7 communication programs that applied to the ILAD Communication Research Association for interim evaluation in 2023 were accredited for an additional 3 years in addition to their 2-year accreditation period. Thus, the accreditation period was completed to 5 years.
Başkent University Faculty of Communication's Public Relations and Promotion, Radio, Television, Cinema and Communication and Design Programs
Television Journalism and Programming and Public Relations and Advertising Programs of Istanbul Beykent University Faculty of Communication
Public Relations and Advertising Program of Atılım University Faculty of Business Administration,
For Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Faculty of Fine Arts Visual Communication Design Program
As a result of the evaluations made by ILAD, accreditation decision was made for another 3 years.
The accreditation of Nişantaşı University Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Public Relations and Advertising Program was extended for 1 year.

Higher Education Quality Council Turkey (YÖKAK) authorized ILAD Communication Research Association to accredit higher education programs in the field of communication.