ILAD 20th Institutional Information Workshop Held in Bolu

The meeting also featured the participation of YÖKAK (Higher Education Quality Council) President Prof. Dr. Ümit Kocabıçak, who delivered a presentation on "Quality Assurance Systems and Accreditation" to the deans of communication faculties, academic and administrative staff, and students at Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University. Prof. Dr. Kocabıçak emphasized the importance of increasing the number of accredited programs within the Turkish higher education system and provided information regarding graduation certificates bearing the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TYÇ) logo.

On the second day of the workshop, ILAD President Prof. Dr. Aysel Aziz informed the attending deans and faculty representatives about ILAD's accreditation efforts. Additionally, ILAD Vice President Prof. Dr. Jale Sarmaşık updated participants on the processes and standards necessary for accreditation following applications from communication programs.

Certificates of Participation were awarded to the 40 deans and institutional representatives who attended the workshop.

Higher Education Quality Council Turkey (YÖKAK) authorized ILAD Communication Research Association to accredit higher education programs in the field of communication.