ILAD participated in the CEENQA General Assembly held in Baku

The 2024 CEENQA General Assembly took place on May 17-18 in Baku, hosted by the Azerbaijan Education Quality Assurance Agency (TKTA). CEENQA (Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education), of which ILAD is a member, held its General Assembly with the representation of ILAD by İLEDAK President Prof. Dr. Recep Tayfun. Various topics related to cross-border collaboration were addressed, including trends and challenges in cross-border accreditation, the impact of cross-border accreditation on business and the economy, best practices for the recognition of foreign qualifications, and international accreditation.

During the General Assembly, strategic planning for higher education institutions and the legal and policy framework conditions for cross-border recognition were also discussed.

The meeting saw the participation of approximately 50 representatives from CEENQA member countries and Azerbaijan. The two-day meetings primarily focused on the boundaries and development of international collaborations. Presentations were made on principles for determining quality standards in higher education. Views were shared regarding cooperation and standard-setting among quality and accreditation organizations.

On the second day of the meeting, Saturday, May 18, 2024, elections were held for the new president and vacant board positions of CEENQA. Franci Demšar, the outgoing president from NAKVIS (Slovenia), was succeeded by Vice President Vesna Dodiković-Jurković from ASHE (Croatia) as the new president. Elections for the CEENQA board positions, for which Prof. Dr. Tayfun was also a candidate, were conducted, and with the newly elected members, our İLEDAK President was accepted as a board member with the highest number of votes, starting from 2025.

The 2025 General Assembly will be held in Tallinn, Estonia. Additionally, a forum will be organized with the Hungarian Quality Agency in the upcoming period.

During the discussions held at the General Assembly, ILAD reached a principle agreement to collaborate with the Azerbaijan Quality Agency, and our collaborations will be further developed with bilateral agreements in the future.

Higher Education Quality Council Turkey (YÖKAK) authorized ILAD Communication Research Association to accredit higher education programs in the field of communication.