YÖKAK Grants Accreditation Authorization to İLAD for Associate Degree Programs
YÖKAK Grants Accreditation Authorization to İLAD for Associate Degree Programs  

İLAD is now authorized to accredit Associate Degree Programs in Radio and Television Programming, Graphic Design, and Public Relations and Promotion at Vocational Schools 

The Communication Research Association (İLAD), which has been responsible for quality assessment and accreditation of communication programs in higher education institutions, has expanded its scope from bachelor's degree programs to include associate degree programs as well.  

Having received the Quality Assessment Accreditation Registration Certificate from the Higher Education Quality Council of Turkey (YÖKAK), İLAD believes that all levels of higher education in communication are interconnected. Based on this principle, it has started accrediting Associate Degree Programs in Public Relations and Promotion, Radio and Television Programming, and Graphic Design. İLAD applied to YÖKAK for authorization in this area and has successfully received official approval.  

Vocational Schools offering these three associate degree programs can apply to İLAD for accreditation. Upon evaluation by the Communication Education Accreditation Board (İLEDAK) and successful accreditation, these programs will receive Accreditation Certificates, which will be officially listed in Vocational School guides.

Moreover, the diplomas of accredited programs will be recognized by both national and international institutions affiliated with YÖKAK  

Additionally, İLAD is preparing to extend its accreditation efforts to master's degree programs, aiming to further strengthen the quality assurance chain in communication education.

Higher Education Quality Council Turkey (YÖKAK) authorized ILAD Communication Research Association to accredit higher education programs in the field of communication.