Accreditation Decisions for 2024 Applications Have Been Announced
İLAD has approved and publicly announced the accreditation decisions made by İLEDAK regarding the undergraduate and associate degree programs that applied in 2024
The 22nd İLAD Institutional Information Workshop Was Held with Over 100 Participants
Improvements in İLAD’s accreditation criteria regarding artificial intelligence were shared with deans, department heads, and academics from 24 universities attending the workshop.
YÖKAK Grants Accreditation Authorization to İLAD for Associate Degree Programs
İLAD is now authorized to accredit Associate Degree Programs in Radio and Television Programming, Graphic Design, and Public Relations and Promotion at Vocational Schools
2025 Accreditation Schedule and Fees Announced
March 1, 2025: The deadline for higher education institutions offering communication programs to notify İLAD of the programs they wish to apply for accreditation in 2025
İLAD Scoping Meeting on Artificial Intelligence and Communication Education
Consensus Reached on Enhancing AI Literacy in Communication Faculties and Strengthening Industry-Academia Collaboration
CIDA24 Symposium Held in Northern Cyprus, Hosted by the Faculty of Communication at EMU
The theme of this international symposium, where more than 60 papers were presented, was Artificial Intelligence
Memory of Hıfzı Topuz at the CIDA Symposium Held at EMU
International Communication Order and Cypriot Media Discussed
The 21st ILAD Institutional Information Workshop Held
Forty faculty members from the Communication Faculties of Selçuk University and Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University participated in the 21st ILAD Institutional Information Workshop.
The 19th İLAD Evaluator Training Was Held with the Participation of 86 Team Members
İLEDAK Team Members Preparing for Institutional Visits Attended the 19th Evaluator Training Workshop
28 Students Participated in the 4th İLAD Student Evaluator Training Workshop
Participants of the Student Evaluator Training Workshop Received Their Certificates
ILAD 20th Institutional Information Workshop Held in Bolu
The 20th Institutional Information Workshop organized by ILAD took place at Abant İzzet Baysal University from October 17 to 19, 2024, during the 32nd Meeting of the ILDEK (Communication Faculties Deans Council). The workshop was conducted by ILAD President Prof. Dr. Aysel Aziz and ILAD Vice President Prof. Dr. Jale Sarmaşık.
YÖKAK President Prof. Dr. Ümit Kocabıçak Attended the ILDEK Deans Council
Kocabıçak: Among 8504 programs, the number of accredited ones is 1491.
İLAD 18th Evaluator Training Workshop
The 18th Evaluator Training Workshop, organized by İLAD, was conducted online on Saturday, September 14, 2024, with the participation of 38 attendees.
Stakeholder Meeting of YÖKAK and National Accreditation Agencies
The Council of Higher Education Quality Assurance (YÖKAK) organized a stakeholder meeting with representatives from national accreditation agencies that conduct program evaluations.
The ILAD Consultation Board convened with sector representatives
During the meeting with representatives from the journalism, radio television, and cinema sectors, discussions were held regarding proposed updates to the criteria and developments within the sectors.
ILAD participated in the CEENQA General Assembly held in Baku
During the General Assembly, discussions focused on strategic planning for higher education institutions and the legal and policy framework conditions for cross-border recognition
Accreditation of Six Associate Degree Programs in Vocational Schools by ILAD
The evaluation process for six associate degree communication programs from the vocational schools of Beykent University, Izmir University of Economics, and Haliç University has been completed.
Üsküdar Communication Receives ILAD Accreditation Certificates at Ceremony
The accreditation certificates for the Radio, Television and Cinema and Public Relations and Promotion programs of the Faculty of Communication at Üsküdar University, which have been accredited by ILAD for a period of five years, were awarded during a formal ceremony.
ILAD completed. the evaluation process 18 communication programs from 11 universities
11 programs applying for general evaluation for the first time, decisions on accreditation were made for 5 years and 2 years.
As a result of the interim evaluation; 7 programs were given 3-year accreditation and 1 program was given 1-year accreditation.
Accreditation decisions made as a result of interim evaluations regarding the communication programs of Başkent, Istanbul Beykent, Atılım, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli and Nişantaşı Universities have been announced.
101 faculty members attended the ILAD 19th Institutional Information Workshop
Deans, department heads, and faculty members from various faculties across Turkey attended the workshop, where representatives of institutions were briefed on ILAD Accreditation and quality processes.
ILAD 2024 accreditation calendar and fees have been determined.
The last day for undergraduate programs conducting communication education in higher education to submit evaluation and accreditation application forms to ILAD in 2024 is 01 March 2024.
The stakeholder meeting between YÖKAK and national accreditation organizations
The 17 national accreditation organizations authorized by YÖKAK have accredited a total of 1034 programs to date.
The stakeholder opinions were determined at the ILAD Consultation Board meeting
At the ILAD Consultation Board meeting held on December 5, 2023, representatives from the fields of public relations, advertising, visual communication design, and brand organizations gathered to discuss initiatives aimed at enhancing quality standards
In the ILAD (Association of Communication Programs) 17th Evaluator Training Workshop, team members were briefed.
A total of 78 evaluators participated in the workshop held online on Sunday, November 19th, for ILAD/ILEDAK 17th Evaluator Training. The workshop was conducted with ILADAK team members assigned as evaluators in the accreditation processes of communication programs.
37 students participated in the 3rd ILAD Student Evaluator Training Workshop.
Certificates were awarded to students who also signed ILAD’s declaration of ethical rules.
ILAD the 18th Institution Information Workshop was held during the meeting of the Council of Communication Deans
YÖKAK (Higher Education Quality Board) President, Prof. Dr. Ümit Kocabıçak, who attended the 31st Council of Communication Deans of Provinces held at Tunceli Munzur University, delivered a presentation on ’Quality Assurance Systems and Accreditation.’
Fifty faculty members participated in the 16th Assessor Training Workshop.
During the 16th Workshop, new evaluators hailing from diverse academic institutions were inducted into ILAD’s evaluator pool.
National Quality Agencies meeting with the President of YÖKAK
Beginning his duty as the Chairman of the Higher Education Council (YOKAK) Prof. Dr. Ümit Kocabıçak, where he met the national accreditation agencies
ILAD accreditation studies were the subject of research
Research Assistant Erdinç Kaygusuz prepared the research and article about the comments and opinions of the administrators of communication programs and decision-making academicians on the accreditation evaluation criteria
ILAD accreditation certificates were given in a ceremony
Visual Communication Design and Advertising Programmes of the Faculty of Communication at Üsküdar University were awarded their qualifications upon successful completion of their courses.
The 17th Institution Information Workshop of ILAD was attended by a total of 96 faculty members.
This workshop, which took place during the accreditation period of 2024-2025, aimed to provide administrators and faculty members
ILAD accreditation certificates were given in a ceremony Haliç and İstanbul Medipol University
Istanbul Medipol University Faculty of Communication and the Faculty of Fine Arts at Haliç University ILAD’s Accreditation Certificates was given to the managers of the programs
Accreditation certificate ceremony at Sakarya University Faculty of Communication
Sakarya University (SAU) Faculty of Communication Communication and Design, Journalism, Public Relations and Advertising departments were accredited by the Communication Education Evaluation Accreditation Board
The Certificate Ceremony at Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Communication
Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Communication and other participating faculties reaffirmed their pursuit of excellence in communication education, bolstering their reputation for providing quality academic programs.
3 years accreditation to 12 programs
In 2022, the ILAD Communication Research Association conducted an interim evaluation of 12 communication programs, resulting in the accreditation of these programs for an additional 3 years beyond their initial 2-year accreditation period.
ILAD starts accreditation of associate degree programs
2023 Associate Accreditation Fees and Calender
The ILAD Communication Research Association has granted accreditation to a total of 12 programs offered by 7 universities.
In 2022, the undergraduate communication programs of Akdeniz, Sakarya, İnönü, Üsküdar, İstanbul Medipol, Konya Karatay, and Kastamonu Universities submitted their applications to the ILAD Communication Research Association for evaluation. Subsequently, these programs underwent thorough assessments, leading to their accreditation by ILAD.
ILAD 15th Institution Information Workshop
The 15th ILAD Institutional Information Workshop was held with the participation of the faculty members of Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, Faculty of Communication.
ILAD has released the accreditation calendar and determined the associated costs for the year 2023.
The deadline for higher education institutions that offer communication programs to notify ILAD about the programs they wish to apply for accreditation in 2023 is March 1, 2023. It is important for these institutions to make their notifications and submissions to ILAD by this date.
The 14th Workshop on Institutions was held online
14th Workshop on Institutions was held on Dec 2. ILAD Chair Prof. Dr. Aysel Aziz gave an informative speech in the workshop. The workshop was participated to inform faculty members of the Baskent University Communication Faculty. Prof. Dr. Özcan Yağcı (Dean of the Communication Faculty) and other faculty members attended the online workshop.
ILAD 15th Evaluator Workshop was held online
The 15th Evaluator Workshop was held on October 22, and 47 accreditation team members attended.
41 Faculty Members attended ILAD’s 14th Evaluator Workshop
Experienced evaluators provided training about ILAD’s accreditation processes and external evaluation on the 30th of July.
ILAD 2. Student Evaluator Workshop was held online
The second Student Evaluator Workshop was held to inform students about ILAD’s accreditation activities and processes. Attended students will be appointed as student evaluators in this year’s external evaluation in communication programs. The workshop was held on 25.06.2022, and 41 students from various universities in Turkey and TRNC.
ILAD 13th Workshop for Institutions was held online
Fifty-one programs from twenty-one universities have applied to ILAD for an external evaluation in the 2022-2023 accreditation cycle. ILAD 13th Workshop for Institutions was participated to inform deans, vice deans, department heads, and accreditation representatives from applied institutions. The workshop was held online.
YÖKAK Evaluator Prof. Dr. Orhan İçöz pays a visit to ILAD
ILAD Board, ILEDAK Chair and members, ILAD Commissions members, representative of ILAD External Affairs, ILEDAK Consistency Commission members, ILEDAK evaluators, and student evaluators informed YOKAK Evaluator Prof. Dr. İçöz on ILAD’s accreditation standards and external evaluation processes in 2021.

Higher Education Quality Council Turkey (YÖKAK) authorized ILAD Communication Research Association to accredit higher education programs in the field of communication.